
Ferhan & Ferzan Önder(Piano)
Interesting facts about Ferhan and Ferzan Önder:
There is always a special bond between twins – and Ferhan & Ferzan Önder bring that bond onto the concert platform. They are two individual artists but together they create a new musical identity. Though this might at first seem no more than a cliché, with these sisters it is the key to their activity and the essential
There is always a special bond between twins – and Ferhan & Ferzan Önder bring that bond onto the concert platform. They are two individual artists but together they create a new musical identity. Though this might at first seem no more than a cliché, with these sisters it is the key to their activity and the essential
ヨーロッパ、極東、アメリカ等、幅広くツアーを行なっており、これまでにニューヨークのグッゲンハイム美術館、ロンドンのウィグモア・ホール、ドレスデンのゼンパーオーパー、ライプツィヒのゲヴァントハウス、アムステルダムのコンセルトヘボウ、ハンブルクのエルプフィルハーモニー、ウィーン楽友協会、ウィーン・コンツェルトハウス等や、チューリヒ、バルセロナ、イスタンブール、リオデジャネイロ、東京、台北、ベオグラード、モンペリエ、ザルツブルク等で演奏している。著名な音楽祭にも招聘されており、ラインガウ音楽祭、ザルツブルク音楽祭、ボン・ベートーヴェン音楽祭、ウィーン芸術週間、ルートヴィヒスブルク音楽祭、イスタンブール音楽祭、グシュタードの音楽サミット、メクレンブルク=フォアポンメルン音楽祭、シュレースヴィヒ=ホルシュタイン音楽祭、ブレーメン音楽祭、クフモ室内楽音楽祭等がある。シュターツカペレ・ドレスデン、モーツァルテウム管弦楽団、シュトゥットガルト・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団等の主要なオーケストラや、ジョン・アクセルロッド、ハンス・グラーフ、ハワード・グリフィス、マックス・ポンマー、ユベール・スダーン、シュテファン・ヴラダー、ヒュー・ウルフ等の指揮者とも定期的に共演している。03年、リンツの「フェスティヴァル(Voestival)」でサー・ピーター・ユスティノフと共演した。似たような音楽/文学プロジェクトでは、コーネリア・フロベス、アーミン・ミューラー=スタール、フリードリッヒ・フォン・サン、ギュンター・ヤオホ、ロジャー・ヴィレムセンと共演した。16年、彼女たちの最新プロジェクト「Anonymous Was a Woman」が初演された。これは、女性の権利に焦点をあてた朗読音楽劇で、6人の女性作曲家――レイチェル・グライムス、アンナ・ドルビチ、アムリータ・ヴァーズ等――が、このプロジェクトに作品を提供した。パフォーマンスの間、この6人の女性作曲家による音楽と、女性作家たちのテクストが交互に入れ替わる。
家族とともに、オーストリア在住。03年からユニセフ親善大使となり、子どものためのプロジェクトに関与する。19年、WINTER & WINTERレーベルからの初めてのアルバム『フェルハン&フェルザン・エンダー Play ファジル・サイ』をリリースした。
ヨーロッパ、極東、アメリカ等、幅広くツアーを行なっており、これまでにニューヨークのグッゲンハイム美術館、ロンドンのウィグモア・ホール、ドレスデンのゼンパーオーパー、ライプツィヒのゲヴァントハウス、アムステルダムのコンセルトヘボウ、ハンブルクのエルプフィルハーモニー、ウィーン楽友協会、ウィーン・コンツェルトハウス等や、チューリヒ、バルセロナ、イスタンブール、リオデジャネイロ、東京、台北、ベオグラード、モンペリエ、ザルツブルク等で演奏している。著名な音楽祭にも招聘されており、ラインガウ音楽祭、ザルツブルク音楽祭、ボン・ベートーヴェン音楽祭、ウィーン芸術週間、ルートヴィヒスブルク音楽祭、イスタンブール音楽祭、グシュタードの音楽サミット、メクレンブルク=フォアポンメルン音楽祭、シュレースヴィヒ=ホルシュタイン音楽祭、ブレーメン音楽祭、クフモ室内楽音楽祭等がある。シュターツカペレ・ドレスデン、モーツァルテウム管弦楽団、シュトゥットガルト・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団等の主要なオーケストラや、ジョン・アクセルロッド、ハンス・グラーフ、ハワード・グリフィス、マックス・ポンマー、ユベール・スダーン、シュテファン・ヴラダー、ヒュー・ウルフ等の指揮者とも定期的に共演している。03年、リンツの「フェスティヴァル(Voestival)」でサー・ピーター・ユスティノフと共演した。似たような音楽/文学プロジェクトでは、コーネリア・フロベス、アーミン・ミューラー=スタール、フリードリッヒ・フォン・サン、ギュンター・ヤオホ、ロジャー・ヴィレムセンと共演した。16年、彼女たちの最新プロジェクト「Anonymous Was a Woman」が初演された。これは、女性の権利に焦点をあてた朗読音楽劇で、6人の女性作曲家――レイチェル・グライムス、アンナ・ドルビチ、アムリータ・ヴァーズ等――が、このプロジェクトに作品を提供した。パフォーマンスの間、この6人の女性作曲家による音楽と、女性作家たちのテクストが交互に入れ替わる。
家族とともに、オーストリア在住。03年からユニセフ親善大使となり、子どものためのプロジェクトに関与する。19年、WINTER & WINTERレーベルからの初めてのアルバム『フェルハン&フェルザン・エンダー Play ファジル・サイ』をリリースした。
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characteristic of their expressive intensity, which becomes fully apparent in the way they play, completing each other’s artistic personality.
Born in Tokat (Turkey), they moved to Ankara at the age of seven, following their brother who was already studying at the Conservatory. When they were ten years old, Ferhan & Ferzan Önder began playing the piano. Just four years later, they won the ‘Jury Special Award’ at the Concorso Pianistico Internazionale Alessandro Casagrande in Terni (Italy). After a series of further prizes, Ferhan & Ferzan Önder won First Prize at the International Piano Duo Competition in Hamburg.
Their great talent, combined with a high degree of discipline and support from their family, soon bore fruit. After Ferhan won first prize in a competition in Istanbul that led to a concert in Vienna, the twins decided to move to Austria in 1985. They studied at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Vienna with Noel Flores and Paul Badura-Skoda. Shortly before their final exams they met Alfons Kontarsky, who became their mentor and a close friend until his death.
Ferhan & Ferzan Önder both describe their Turkish roots as of crucial importance for their trenchantly rhythmic playing style, since they have been familiar with the irregular rhythms of traditional music from their earliest childhood. But they say the fact that they are continuing a tradition of Turkish piano duos is merely a coincidence.
Extensive concert tours have taken the pianists throughout Europe, the Far East and America. They have performed among others at the Guggenheim Museum in New York, the Wigmore Hall in London, the Semperoper in Dresden, the Leipzig Gewandhaus, the Amsterdam Concertgebouw, the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg and the Vienna Musikverein and Konzerthaus, as well as in Zurich, Barcelona, Istanbul, Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo, Taipei, Belgrade, Montpellier and Salzburg.
Ferhan & Ferzan Önder have been invited to perform at such renowned festivals as the Rheingau Musik Festival, Salzburger Festspiele, Beethovenfest Bonn, Wiener Festwochen, Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele, Istanbul Festival, Sommets Musicaux de Gstaad, Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival, Musikfest Bremen and Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival.
They appear regularly with major orchestras like the Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden, the Mozarteum Orchester Salzburg and the Stuttgarter Philharmoniker under such conductors as John Axelrod, Hans Graf, Howard Griffiths, Max Pommer, Hubert Soudant, Stefan Vladar and Hugh Wolff. In 2003, they performed with Sir Peter Ustinov at the Voestival in Linz. Similar musical/literary projects have led to collaborations with Cornelia Froboess, Armin Mueller-Stahl, Friedrich von Thun, Günther Jauch and Roger Willemsen. In 2016, their latest project was premiered: “Anonymous Was a Woman”, a literal-musical performance that focuses on women’s rights. Six female composers – among them Rachel Grimes, Anna Drubich and Amritha Vaz – contributed compositions to the project. During the performance, their music and texts of female authors alternate.
In recent seasons, Ferhan & Ferzan Önder have played works for two pianos and orchestra by Bach, Mozart and Poulenc, and premiered works by Fazıl Say. In the current season they’ll again impress international audiences in performances of music by Bartók, Reich, Say, and Tan Dun with the Austrian multi-percussionist Martin Grubinger. Among their other chamber music partners are Benjamin Schmid, Cyprien Katsaris, Janis Vakarelis and Clemens Hagen.
Ferhan & Ferzan Önder live with their families in Austria. Since 2003 they have been “Goodwill Ambassadors” of UNICEF committed to projects with children.
In 2019 Ferhan & Ferzan Önder released their first WINTER & WINTER album with the title „Ferhan & Verzahn Önder play Fazil Say“
Born in Tokat (Turkey), they moved to Ankara at the age of seven, following their brother who was already studying at the Conservatory. When they were ten years old, Ferhan & Ferzan Önder began playing the piano. Just four years later, they won the ‘Jury Special Award’ at the Concorso Pianistico Internazionale Alessandro Casagrande in Terni (Italy). After a series of further prizes, Ferhan & Ferzan Önder won First Prize at the International Piano Duo Competition in Hamburg.
Their great talent, combined with a high degree of discipline and support from their family, soon bore fruit. After Ferhan won first prize in a competition in Istanbul that led to a concert in Vienna, the twins decided to move to Austria in 1985. They studied at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Vienna with Noel Flores and Paul Badura-Skoda. Shortly before their final exams they met Alfons Kontarsky, who became their mentor and a close friend until his death.
Ferhan & Ferzan Önder both describe their Turkish roots as of crucial importance for their trenchantly rhythmic playing style, since they have been familiar with the irregular rhythms of traditional music from their earliest childhood. But they say the fact that they are continuing a tradition of Turkish piano duos is merely a coincidence.
Extensive concert tours have taken the pianists throughout Europe, the Far East and America. They have performed among others at the Guggenheim Museum in New York, the Wigmore Hall in London, the Semperoper in Dresden, the Leipzig Gewandhaus, the Amsterdam Concertgebouw, the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg and the Vienna Musikverein and Konzerthaus, as well as in Zurich, Barcelona, Istanbul, Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo, Taipei, Belgrade, Montpellier and Salzburg.
Ferhan & Ferzan Önder have been invited to perform at such renowned festivals as the Rheingau Musik Festival, Salzburger Festspiele, Beethovenfest Bonn, Wiener Festwochen, Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele, Istanbul Festival, Sommets Musicaux de Gstaad, Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival, Musikfest Bremen and Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival.
They appear regularly with major orchestras like the Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden, the Mozarteum Orchester Salzburg and the Stuttgarter Philharmoniker under such conductors as John Axelrod, Hans Graf, Howard Griffiths, Max Pommer, Hubert Soudant, Stefan Vladar and Hugh Wolff. In 2003, they performed with Sir Peter Ustinov at the Voestival in Linz. Similar musical/literary projects have led to collaborations with Cornelia Froboess, Armin Mueller-Stahl, Friedrich von Thun, Günther Jauch and Roger Willemsen. In 2016, their latest project was premiered: “Anonymous Was a Woman”, a literal-musical performance that focuses on women’s rights. Six female composers – among them Rachel Grimes, Anna Drubich and Amritha Vaz – contributed compositions to the project. During the performance, their music and texts of female authors alternate.
In recent seasons, Ferhan & Ferzan Önder have played works for two pianos and orchestra by Bach, Mozart and Poulenc, and premiered works by Fazıl Say. In the current season they’ll again impress international audiences in performances of music by Bartók, Reich, Say, and Tan Dun with the Austrian multi-percussionist Martin Grubinger. Among their other chamber music partners are Benjamin Schmid, Cyprien Katsaris, Janis Vakarelis and Clemens Hagen.
Ferhan & Ferzan Önder live with their families in Austria. Since 2003 they have been “Goodwill Ambassadors” of UNICEF committed to projects with children.
In 2019 Ferhan & Ferzan Önder released their first WINTER & WINTER album with the title „Ferhan & Verzahn Önder play Fazil Say“
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